When Will I Laugh Upon The Sky?

Everyone needs a purpose, no matter what it may be. There is no life without purpose. Whether it’s education, work, religion, or anything really. We all need to feel like we are part of something bigger, or are aiming for something higher.

From my short experience on this Earth I don’t think very many people ever actually get to where they are going. There is a reason the grass is always greener on the other side. People will always desire something better, something bigger. Once you get your phone, computer, car, or finish writing your story, winning that competition, or getting that job promotion. It will be nice for the first few hours, days, maybe even weeks. Eventually though there will come a point when that accomplishment is not enough, and more is needed.

Maybe this inner drive is why the human race has advanced as far as it has? People say we live in dark times. Religious leaders say there are an ever increasing number of unholy heathens living in these days. Maybe that’s true, but the actual state of living in this world is better than it has ever been. I can sit in my home, with the comfort of food, shelter, and an abundance of luxuries by my side. I do not have to worry about my house being raided in the night and me being killed in my sleep. There was a time when such things occurred regularly and were a legitimate reason to fear for your live. REAL STRESS. We have order now. The world is growing in more ways than just population. We are advancing, and at a rapid rate.


The world may always have differences between cultures, and wars between religions. Maybe one day we won’t though. Nothing is impossible. One step at a time.

Our problems now are far more internal, and are brought upon us more often than not solely because we are weak and allow them to.

How many people are willing to admit such weakness though? That their day sucks because their mind is weak, and they are inadequate. Not because Susy is a bitch, or Tom’s an asshole. (those are just the first name’s that came to me, no offense to any Susy’s or Tom’s out there)
Shit, well since it’s raining outside my whole day is ruined. Time to hate my life.

I believe that as a whole, humans just need something to worry about, inherently we desire happiness. We all do. Maybe there is no happiness without strife, and that is the reason we constantly face troubles in our every day activities over the smallest of events. We force ourselves to have problems so that we can have joy. There is no day without the night.

Maybe instead though, we are simply too absorbed in our own realities and are blinded by the beautiful world around us. The world is a truly marvelous place. Gusts of wind, streams of water, the perfect balance of power found within in nature.

Look at your arm. Clench your fist. Is that not remarkable? A notion. A thought. Then action. Something unfathomably complex, yet simple happens. Your body translates words into actions. Within seconds you are able to do anything.

My mind can’t comprehend itself. All of its strengths, its weaknesses. They are of one thread. One cannot exist without the other.

Is there a way to conquer your own mind?




“When you realize how perfect the world is you will look up at the sky and laugh.”
~Unknown (Buddha did not actually state this)

spa stones with frangipani

It seems like a pipe dream, but who knows? Maybe one day my chest will hurt and I’ll be crying because it’ll all be just too damn funny. It’s a shame that day is not today.

If anyone made it through all this and knows at all what the hell I’m talking about please enlighten me. Because I’ve got no fucking clue.

I guess that’s the point though.

Until next time, stay frosty internet.