Make Smart Choices! |FFA on Overlord | 30-5 [CoD:Ghosts]

Hey guys, I wanted to give an update on the map movement videos, and tell you that I got a job 😀
Also I talk a little strategy, and about making smart choices as you play. You’ve gotta follow that intuition!

CRAZY 11-0 ROUND OF S&R [CoD:Ghosts]

I haven’t played too much Search and Rescue but I was playing on a full team that we got together, and we had a blast. We were non-stop winning every round of every game, and this is one round I had where I get 11 kills, and am the last man standing. It felt pretty clutch. I was a ghost moving through the shadows 😉

Putting in Work with the USR | Dom on Freight | USR [Cod:Ghosts]

Hey guys I’ve been wanting to get some sniping game play up and here it is. I go on a nice little spree and end up getting a battle hind. I also wanted to make this video to give an update on the status of my up coming map movement videos. Thanks for watching!

Man’s Best Friend Putting in Overtime | Kill Confirmed 25-3 [Cod:Ghosts]

My dog puts in some crazy work this game. I also talk about my idea of making videos about cod strategy, and proper map movement. I think I could learn alot and that it could help a lot of people.

Tips on Using Maniac Armor | KIll Confirmed 23-0 [Cod:Ghosts]

I completely eat kids up in this game. There is no camping, and great map movement. It’s all about catching them off guard, and getting behind them.


I shoot you some tips, and talk about how getting anywhere on YouTube is insanely difficult. Oh and I rape some little kiddies along the way 😉

Why is it so Difficult to Become a YouTuber?

I just spent about 20 minutes cleaning my keyboard with a twisty tie. And let me tell you, it was a wonderful experience to have. It cleared my head and calmed me down. Something I greatly needed because I was just off of a bad session of Call of Duty. One of those sessions where no matter what you do things aren’t going your way, then you start playing worse, then things spiral deeper and deeper downward until Bing, Bang, Boom, you want to stab somebody.


I am generally well-tempered, and easy going. Rarely do I get too mad at anything or anyone, and I just kind of flow along with things. Video games though, are like vinegar. They are this evil, demonizing experience that can turn even the coolest of cucumbers into a salty-imma-stab-ya-bitch pickle.

Lately things have become even more infuriating because I started recording my game play to do commentaries so that I can post them on YouTube. Alright that’s cool and dandy. Get some sweet game play where I rip some kids apart. Talk about how my game play is so sweet and how I ripped these kids apart. Post it on YouTube and become the next Hutch.

God if only.

YouTube is a tough business to get into. Tyler and discovered that when we were doing Shwooshy, which seemed like a millennium ago. You post videos, and you spend all this time making sure they are right and edited, and that your shit laptop didn’t screw anything up, and all for what? 5,10,20 views? It sucks, and is very discouraging.


There are tons of videos on YouTube with titles like “How to Grow Your Gaming Channel”, and “Tips on Getting More Views and Subscribers”. Sure some of these videos have useful nuggets of wisdom here and there, but they are generally repetitive and unhelpful. Once you watch your first 2 or 3 you know exactly how the rest of these videos that are peppered across YouTube will pan out.

Then I find other gaming channels, small ones where they do the same kind of work that I do. Play some Cod, talk about it, and maybe do whatever other little things they do. A lot of them have been doing this for years, and get only a few hundred, or maybe a few thousand views on each video. This is no way to make a living, and it can only ever amount to being a hobby. Alright cool whatever, I can accept that. I’m not gonna be raking in 6 figures doing this YouTube stuff.

I still want to gain a following, I want to have an audience that I can engage with, a little community if you will. Even those couple hundred views are super hard to obtain. I don’t know maybe I just need to keep at it, and hope for the best. 

I am going to try and do more networking, and reach out to other YouTubers, see if I can help them with anything. That’s the way to network right? You don’t just ask for favors. You give favors in hopes that they can be returned. It’s about building a friendship really. 

Guess that means I have to make some friends on YouTube…dammit, it is basically like moving to a new school. Off to fucking 1st grade I go guys. 
