Keeping the Fire Stoked

It’s hard to keep up with these Internet goals. Posting daily content is difficult, yadda-yadda. I’ve said it all before.

I have the next two days off from work and I hope to bust out a lot of content, and prep myself for being a bit more dedicated to my YouTube endeavors. 

SegmentedWhale is going to be moving full steam ahead in the direction of HearthStone. Most of my content will be composed of it, and I am figuring out different series that I can make. Series where I talk about theory, decks, and all kinds of good stuff. HearthStone videos have been some of the most fun for me to make and building a community around it couldn’t make me happier.

Pen spinning videos are still going to be coming, starting next Monday I will be posting them weekly. So expect some more tutorials!

I’ve been lazy and distracted and am definitely not where I planned myself to be a month ago. The fire is still burning though, and the most important thing is to make sure it at least stays lit.

Until next time, stay frosty internet.
