The Super Sick Q&A |FFA on Prison Break [CoD:Ghosts]

Ive been considerably sick the past couple of days, so bear with me guys. Like get me a teddy bear, I need one quickly.

Enjoy Life For What It Is | FFA on Sovereign [CoD:Ghosts]

It has been far too long since I’ve made a video guys. I want to get back on track and start chugging along again. I really do miss it so much.

My Love/Hate Relationship with Knifing | FFA on Flooded [CoD:Ghosts]

I make some good decisions, and some dumb stuff happens as always. Knifing in this game has its ups and downs, and it a lot better in this game than it is in previous titles.

Perfection is Impossible! | FFA on Prison Break [CoD:Ghosts]

What’s poppin guys, I’ve been slacking lately with videos but I’m bringing this sweet FFA to the table to make up for it. I realized some mental issues I’ve been having with CoD recently and I go over that whole shtick for a bit.

CRAZY 11-0 ROUND OF S&R [CoD:Ghosts]

I haven’t played too much Search and Rescue but I was playing on a full team that we got together, and we had a blast. We were non-stop winning every round of every game, and this is one round I had where I get 11 kills, and am the last man standing. It felt pretty clutch. I was a ghost moving through the shadows 😉

My Thoughts on Call of Duty: Ghosts

It has been almost a full day since Call of Duty: Ghosts has been out. My cousin and I went to the midnight release and have been going Cod crazy since. We have been playing it nearly nonstop, and I have already logged in 13+ hours online.  My cousin and I just can’t get enough of it.

Due to the fact that he had a class to go to I figured I would give some of my thoughts on the game. Both good and bad.

This game holds some serious revamps to the Cod formula that we have all come so very accustomed to. So for the sake of clarity, and easy composition on my part I am going to make a handy little list of the goods, and a handy little list of the bads. *These are all my own unprofessional opinions, and views. You are more than welcome to disagree with any of them.*


THE GOODS ( in no particular order of importance) :

  1. The Slow Ass Ranking System: It takes absolutely forever to rank up in this game, with my 13+ hours of playing I believe I am level 19, and from what I’ve seen in most games, that is way above everyone else. So why is this good you may ask? Well it’s simple really. I like it. I like having to earn each level, and feeling a moment of elation when I rank up in the middle of a game. It feels far more rewarding now than it ever did.
  2. The Crazy Different Map Design: These new maps are such a far cry from the ones of previous CoDs that I find it nearly unbelievable. There are multiple elevations, zig-zagged sightlines, and obstacles everywhere. I have always thought of Cod as a one-level shooter, and by that I mean that for the most part all the maps in all the games, are on one level. They aren’t these convoluted obstacle courses. I like it though. It adds a whole other dimension to the game, you can choose to run so many different routes now, and you have so many more options than you did before. I know a lot of the community is not a fan of it, but this guy certainly is.
  3. The Snipers: Alright, maybe I shouldn’t say all the snipers because I am only truly familiar with the L115 at this point. I love the way it connects with your target. My cousin and I agreed that it is reminiscent of the Intervention from MW2. It feels extremely satisfying. The new depth perception in the scope is a nice new touch as well.
  4. Close to No. Fucking. Air Support. : If this list was ranked this would be so high up the list it would be in the negatives. In fact, I don’t know how it took till the 4th item for it to occur to me. They nearly got rid of it completely though. There are still air support and air strike assault streaks, but you see them maybe 0-2 times a game at best. I have probably iterated it in past posts, but I have always fucking hated air support kill streaks. They are broken and do nothing positive to help the game. I could write a whole post on air support kill streaks by themselves, but luckily it doesn’t look like I have to.
  5. Guard Dog: So for what seems like an extremely long time now, predator missile has been the staple 5 kill streak (in my head at least). That’s all swell and dandy, but the predator missile has nothing on guard dog. He is another fighter who has got your back. He can take bullets like a champ, and he kills in one lunging strike. He will piss you off if he is not on your side, but you’ll absolutely fall in love when he is.
  6. The Map Aesthetics: The overgrown, dilapidated style of a lot of the maps is just pleasing to me. Stone Haven in particular makes me happy, it makes me feel like a knight. O.o
  7. The New Perk System: The system lets you now make essentially any combination of perks you would like as long as they fit into the allowed allotted amount (that’s called alliteration. 😉 ). I like having the option to do whatever I want. CAUSE THIS IS AMERICA…for me at least.
  8. All the New Games Types: There is Blitz, Cranked, Hunted, and Search and Rescue. I am not going to go into each game type, but merely state that I enjoy them. They are a breath of fresh air.

I’m sure there are other things, but you get the idea.

THE BADS (in yet again, no particular order of importance):

  1. You Die So Friggin Fast: Death comes upon you so frequently and so swiftly in this game, that it has promoted camping. No one wants to run and gun, and go crazy because you die so fast. Call of Duty has always had a quick death system to me, where the guns are powerful and the people are weak. I say this because I am more accustomed to dealing with Halo where you have shields, and every gun fight is more of a battle, not just a twitchy-who-shoots-first showdown.
  2. The Spawn System: Call of Duty’s spawn system has always seemed flawed to most of us, but there is something especially broken about Ghosts’.  You spawn in enemies lines of sight, they spawn behind you and in the most obscure places. It can be so frustrating. I have begun to contemplate the murder of babies because of it.

Hmm…that actually pretty much sums up what I dislike about the game. These two items can still be pretty damn irritating. Any other issues I have are small and menial.

The sum of it all is that I am enjoying the game. So far I want to keep playing, and I think it was well worth the $60 investment.
